Akademia Razem

is a modern and child-friendly complementary school where children like to come and study.

Dear parent

Give your child the mother tongue

The school was established in 2015 as part of the Together-Razem charity - an organization that has been working for Polish in Ireland since 2006. The school operated mainly in the classroom formula, but the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown opened new doors and opportunities for distance learning.

Celem naszej szkoły jest nauczanie języka polskiego oraz przekazywanie wiedzy o kulturze kraju pochodzenia ich rodziców bez nauczania niepotrzebnych przedmiotów. Stawiamy na konkret – czyli głównie naukę języka polskiego.

We want children born outside of Poland to be able to speak Polish, write and read.
We want children to know Polish tradition and culture, to learn history and geography.
The other subjects, after all, have their own daily schools.
At the Razem Academy, we implement our own learning program based on the core program of the Ministry of National Education, but we are proud that the program is not overloaded, and the teachers are very flexible in the methodology of working with the student.

At the Razem Academy, we issue school reports

We also issue school ID cards in our school

And we have great passionate teachers

What else?

The Razem Academy is a registered school in the database of Polish community institutions of the Center for the Development of Polish Education Abroad

The school is entered in the register of ORPEG facilities under the number 7455 here: Entry in ORPEG Wpis w ORPEG

The Razem Academy is supported by the Polish Embassy in Dublin.

Take advantage of our offer!


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